SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: Tissue samples from various specimens of SCP-XXXX are currently stored under preservative conditions in the Starsite-3 Botanical Laboratory for further study and comparison of regional variants. Attempts to propagate live specimens are currently underway in Growhouse 6. As SCP-XXXX is a native species of Vanaheim-f5, any attempt to contain or neutralize it on a large scale would be futile and excessive.
DESCRIPTION: SCP-XXXX is a species of undefined flora1 which was first discovered during initial ground-based surveys of the area of Vanaheim-f5 surrounding Starsite-3. While research is ongoing and little can be definitively determined so far, SCP-XXXX has exhibited certain qualities which are not found in Earth. Various records pertaining to the discovery and study of SCP-XXXX are attached below.
[SR. RESEARCHER CHRIS LI is at his desk in the Botanical Laboratory. Scattered across its surface is a variety of paper documents, including a set of printed charts from the laboratory's genetic sequencers.]
LI: Okay, so, something pretty weird has cropped up. We've been surveying the area surrounding the Site for about two weeks, pretty much since the day we landed, and obviously a part of that is collecting tissue samples from the local plant life. It's not hard. The plant life doesn't look too different from Earth. There's recognizable trees, shrubs, grasses, mosses. It's mostly just a little yellower.
LI: Just now, I was testing some of the samples that I'd collected and I ran into an issue. I had a few samples running in parallel, just to speed things up a bit. It was going fine, until the first two tests came back. Now, keep in mind, these were different plants entirely. One was a sort of tall grass and the other was one of the biggest trees I've ever seen. There is no way they should have anything in common, not to mention the fact that they were 500 meters apart. But according to the tests, they're the same species.
LI: Now, obviously, I thought I'd screwed something up. Maybe the sample tubes were mislabeled, or maybe I'd accidentally used the same one twice. So I ran the test again. And it came back with the same result. So I tested all of them. Every single sample I tests shows that it's from the same species. Hell, most of them look like they're from the same individual! But I'm not sure how that's—
[There is a loud knocking at the door. LI jumps, apparently startled, and stands up to answer it. RESEARCHER HANNA NOVIKOV is standing outside the office with a concerned look on her face. She says something which is inaudible to the camera before LI speaks again.]
LI: You're shitting me.
According to a report posted by Researchers Li and Novikov to the Starsite-3 intranet on A1.C1.S43, SCP-XXXX likely consists entirely of clones of a small number of original progenitors. SCP-XXXX also possesses a remarkable capacity for specialization, with numerous variants having been identified, bearing little resemblance to one another, and each of which fulfills a unique role in its local ecosystem.
The life cycle of SCP-XXXX has been insufficiently observed to make conclusive statements, but it is believed that the primary mechanism of reproduction is a form of budding performed by a large tree-like variant. As exploration of the planet's surface continues, efforts are being made to determine the range and scope of SCP-XXXX's territory.