War on All Fronts Hub
/* ---------------------------------
War on All Fronts (Sigma-9)
2020 Wikidot Theme
Created by stormbreath
Header image created by EstrellaYoshte
--------------------------------- */
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/* -------------- MOBILE VIEW -------------- */
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War on All Fronts is a canon about giant monsters.

When you write for War on All Fronts, all you really need to do is have a giant monster in it. The more absurd you make it, the more over the top it is, the better. This is a canon about giant monsters running around and destroying cities.

The primary focus of the canon is on one giant monster: the crocosquid. In 1988, this kaiju showed up — seemingly out of nowhere — and then destroyed a mythical fairy island, turning it into ruin. This island was a center of the anomalous world, and almost every group tried to get in at the fallout of the event, or exploit the tragedy in some fashion.

It's worth noting, however, that unlike some canons, War on All Fronts has three seperate subcanons within it. There are three unique timelines to War on All Fronts, each of which is considered just as canon as any of the others:


In the Academics timeline, nothing further goes wrong. Various groups do things relating to the crocosquid, but nothing really happens of note. Life goes on, and the world is fine. It does not end. Various groups keep messing around with the crocosquid.


In the Apocalypse timeline, the Foundation keeps poking around at the origins of the crocosquid, until they accidentally break into the universe it came from. As a result, thousands of new crocosquids burst out of a portal and cause the world to flood. They quickly take over the world and destroy everything, leaving little left once they are done. Notably, Academics has some contact with this timeline through interdimensional portals.


In the Anastasis timeline, Prometheus Labs attempts to bring the crocosquid back to life with advanced cybernetics and thaumaturgy. Unfortunately for them, the rituals used to do this accidentally awaken kaiju all over the globe, of various types. The world is rampaged by these monsters, which destroy everything.

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