rating: +8+x
Item#: 0000
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:


Spirit Mountain Hotel and Casino. Image taken from promotional material published in 1918.

Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force
Site-56 Heather Grant Kayla Rider Theta-18 "Gamer Girls"


Interior map of the Spirit Mountain Hotel first floor showing all public spaces.

Special Containment Procedures: The property on which SCP-0000 is located has been purchased by clandestine Foundation assets, and a perimeter has been established 1.5km from the structure. Foundation security personnel posing as local law enforcement are to monitor the perimeter and apprehend any civilians who breach it.

Per Protocol Montezuma-11, should there be a disparity in the amount of gold produced by the incorporeal entities within SCP-0000 and the amount of gold required to slow SCP-0000-A’s growth, a ration of gold bullion is to be provided to Foundation containment personnel to offset the disparity. In the event that a given quantity of gold produced by these entities does not prove sufficient, Foundation Protocol Montezuma-111 dictates that the following must take place:

  • The incorporeal elements of SCP-0000 must present their accumulated gold to SCP-0000-A, which they do every Sunday night at roughly 23:51 hours local time. This presentation lasts three minutes and six seconds.
  • Once the entities have finished their presentation, there is a thirty-three second period of inactivity from SCP-0000-A.
  • After this period has elapsed, one of two events will take place:
    • SCP-0000-A will remain inert, and all incorporeal elements of SCP-0000 will disappear. This is considered an “inactive” state, and it is safe to end Protocol Montezuma-11.
    • Tremors beneath SCP-0000 will become increasingly violent. These tremors will be accompanied by a dense, green haze from within SCP-0000-A, the consistency of which is inconclusive but is inimical to humans2. This is considered an “active” state, and requires the initiation of Protocol Montezuma-11.
  • At the beginning of an “active” state, three different events must take place to inhibit the growth of SCP-0000-A.
    • A human child, between four and six years of age, must approach the edge of SCP-0000-A with a basket of 10 gram gold bullion bars. The child must then be made to throw individual bars into SCP-0000-A, at a rate of one bar every thirty seconds until the end of the event. Every time the child throws a bar, they must say the following:

”For what we have wagered against our souls, so must we repay in gold.”

  • Another similarly aged human child must accompany each gold bar with a handful of salt, thrown out of a burlap bag, while speaking the following:

”For how we have festered so long in the darkness, so must we repay in salt.”

  • Lastly, a third child must have both of their wrists cut perpendicular to their arm with a blade3, and be made to bleed out over SCP-0000-A until the end of the event. An adult human must stand near the child and repeat the following:

”For the innocence we have stolen in the pursuit of a fleeting happiness, so must we repay in blood.”

  • Once the discrepancy between the amount of gold required by SCP-0000-A and the amount of gold offered by the incorporeal entities within SCP-0000 has been resolved, the tremors will cease and the green haze will dissipate. After this, it is safe to end the protocol, and tend to any medical necessities.

Foundation psychologists and game strategists are to continue to analyze the pattern of events that occur within SCP-0000 in order to better optimize them to neutralize any potential activation states.


Illustration of the Spirit Mountain Hotel published in 1918.

Description: SCP-0000 is the group designation for any anomalous activity within the abandoned former Spirit Mountain Hotel and Casino near Laughlin, Nevada - specifically, its weekly cycle of anomalous activity.

Once a 8,060m² entertainment facility built by billionaire entrepreneur4 and occultist5 Alejandro Giuseppe Bianchi Tagliaferro II in the late 1910s, the structure suffered severe structural damage after an earthquake and a fire destroyed a significant amount of the hotel and casino during a seasonal gala event, resulting in the deaths of some 259 individuals.

SCP-0000 is inhabited by a number of semi-incorporeal6 humanoid entities, all of which bear the group designation SCP-0000-1. These entities are grey, mostly featureless7, humanoid representations of patrons of the hotel who perished the night of the earthquake. These entities wear unique outfits typical of the 1920’s upper class, though these outfits show significant wear and, in some cases, are barely recognizable as apparel.


Interior of SCP-0000.

Each SCP-0000-1 entity has a unique identity and is sentient, as they are capable of speech and are generally self aware. They will interact with individuals within the hotel and casino as if they were fellow patrons of the hotel, but will respond negatively if the individuals are not dressed in period appropriate clothing and speak using period appropriate mannerisms. Beyond these interactions, SCP-0000-1 instances appear to follow a rough pattern of events8and try to complete a certain set of actions before the Montezuma-11 event Sunday night. While these events typically take place with minor variations9, Foundation personnel are able to slightly alter their behaviour through conversation and interaction with the instances. After the Montezuma-11 Protocol takes place, the SCP-0000-1 instances disappear, reappearing on the next Thursday morning at 08:00 local time. While it appears that SCP-0000-1 instances can recall events from previous cycles10, they typically do not address this, even if asked.


Region affected by expansion of SCP-0000-A.

SCP-0000-A is a large fissure located in the center of the casino, roughly 28m in length and 6m across at its widest point, which extends indeterminately deep into the earth below11. SCP-0000-A is the focus of containment efforts within SCP-0000, as it routinely undergoes activation events, wherein the instances of SCP-0000-1 must make a gold offering to SCP-0000-A. If the offering is not of a suitable value12, SCP-0000-A will begin to increase in size, resulting in severe tremors and structural damage to the surrounding hotel and casino, and the release of a toxic, corrosive gas colloquially known as “Casino Green”. These activation events can only be terminated by proper fulfillment of the Montezuma-11 Protocol, which brings an end to any geological activity and begins a period of inactivity.

Current projections indicate that further expansion of SCP-0000-A is an inimical threat to the Davis Dam in Laughlin, Nevada, a structure that dams the Colorado River and sits on the southernmost end of Lake Mohave. Previous failed instances of the Montezuma-11 Protocol have resulted in significant geological activity that has destabilized the foundation of the dam, and it is likely to cause unrecoverable damage if seismic events continue.

The failure of the Davis Dam would threaten all persons and structures within the low-lying area of the Mohave Valley, including Riviera, Mohave City, Fort Mohave, and the Fort Mohave Indian Reservation, as well as the resorts and riverfront property of Lake Husavu City. Additionally, failure of the Davis Dam could result in a cascading failure of the Parker Dam to the south, which itself would likely cause severe damage and loss of life to the towns of Cienega Springs, Parker, and the Mohave Road farms on the California/Arizona border near the Colorado River Reservation.

Protocols have been developed to mitigate the potential loss of life from a failure of the Montezuma-11 Protocol, but currently no procedures exist that can assure a 100% survival rate of all potentially affected persons in the event of a failure of the Davis Dam, as it is currently estimated that a minimum of one-hundred and ten thousand persons would need to be evacuated in the span of only a few hours, and it is unlikely that the persons in the Mohave Valley area could be evacuated in time at all.

Addendum 0000.1: Hotel and Casino Layout

The Spirit Mountain Hotel and Casino is comprised of three primary structures, each linked to the other through a series of hallways. The first and largest, just within the main entrance, is the hotel. It is composed of fifteen floors with one-hundred and eighty-six guest staterooms, with the top floor containing a single penthouse and exposed roof access. On the main level of the hotel is a bar, as well as a cocktail lounge and jazz club.


Easternmost edge of SCP-0000-A within the casino - image taken from the second floor. A first floor room is visible below.

To the west of the hotel is the Restaurant Nevada. It is composed of a large dining room, two bars, five private suites, and a stage for performances. In the back of the restaurant is the kitchen, much of which was destroyed by fire. The primary feature of the restaurant is the Overlook Suite, which extends out over the edge of the mountain.

To the southwest of the hotel is the casino. It is a five story ornate structure with an open atrium in the center, once covered by a large glass dome. The casino contains a number of various games of chance, including card tables, roulette, and slot machines. On the main floor of the casino is a caged cashier’s desk, through which chips can be exchanged for gold.

Over time, due to seismic activity from SCP-0000-A and exposure to the elements, the entirety of SCP-0000 has fallen into a state of considerable disrepair. Several areas are no longer easily accessible, or have been destroyed altogether. One room, the top floor suite within the hotel, cannot be accessed whatsoever, and attempted access from the exterior with shaped charges, as well as through the roof or through any ductwork, inevitably ends in failure. SCP-0000 appears to exert some sort of anomalous influence on these attempts, as the walls themselves do not appear to be impervious13.


A deeper section of SCP-0000-A.

Lastly, SCP-0000-A has made several areas of the casino lower levels inaccessible. SCP-0000-1 instances who are directed towards these lower levels, or SCP-0000-A in general, will become increasingly upset and agitated, though most are either unable or unwilling to describe why.

Addendum 0000.2: Discovery

It is uncertain when SCP-0000 began to display anomalous activity. The fire that broke out and destroyed a significant portion of the structure was reported in the Los Angeles Times, due to the presence of Nevada Senator Dean Blacklock at the gala event. However, after initial investigations of the structure revealed no immediate foul play the building was abandoned, likely due to its remote location.

In 1962, two teenagers filed a police report in nearby Laughlin after seeing what they described as interior lights flickering and a green smog surrounding the structure. Investigators were not able to find any evidence of trespassing at the structure, and the case was abandoned.

In 1970 a female motorist claimed to have gotten lost on her way to Lake Husavu City from Las Vegas, and ended up at the Spirit Mountain Casino after dark. The woman claimed to have seen a thick green haze billowing out of the lower levels of the structure, and a single light on in the top floor of the hotel, where the silhouette of an individual was visible through the curtains. Additionally, the woman claimed to have heard shouting from within the structure, and to have felt some considerable seismic activity. After seeing what she described as “bodies floating in the mist”, the motorist fled on foot, eventually being picked up by another passing motorist. Local police discovered her car several miles down the road, nowhere near the gated road leading to the hotel. The woman’s story was dismissed.


Foundation agents in protective gear exploring the upper sections of SCP-0000-A.

In 2004, a locally televised ghost-hunting program “Demon Hunters” gained permission from the state government to access the facility for one night, in order to record an episode of their show. The episode never aired, and no members of the production team commented on its absence afterwards. However, an anonymous internet user claiming to be a member of the program’s staff (and providing provable details of their employment with the television network) posted several times over a six month period on an internet message board for the amateur supernatural watchdog group “Knights of Truth”. In their posts, the user claims that members of the production team were exposed to spectral entities who begged them for gold, salt, and blood, even going so far as attempting to attack one of the hosts. The event apparently shocked the crew so badly that it was decided that the program would not air the footage, which was later destroyed.

In 2007, Foundation assets embedded in the local authorities investigated another claim of supernatural activity at the hotel, and were met with the SCP-0000-1 entities. After deducing the nature and structure of SCP-0000, a permanent forward operating base was established outside the structure.

Addendum 0000.3: Protocol Montezuma-11

Protocol Montezuma-11 was developed by a joint team of Foundation occultists, game theorists, and historians. It was originally believed that the origin of the fault within SCP-0000 was natural and it was only the SCP-0000-1 instances that were anomalous - however, study of information collected from within SCP-0000, specifically the hotel and casino, as well as sigils and markings from within the fault itself, led to the conclusion that SCP-0000-A was a result of paranatural influence upon the earth itself emanating from within the resort.

The intended result of Montezuma-11 is to mitigate the final cost in gold to satisfy the conditions of the activation event. This includes subtly guiding SCP-0000-1 instances into situations and relationships that will be financially lucrative, and making sure wealthy individuals (or those who carry with them a large amount of wealth) are alive and present for the end of the event on Sunday night. Until the Foundation became involved in SCP-0000's containment it is believed that the success of the Sunday night ritual was entirely up to chance, though the spread of SCP-0000-A does not accurately align with the expected spread given the likelihood of a successful outcome on any given week (Note: This information is now believed to be contradicted by the event described in Addendum 0000.6, detailed below.)

The secondary intention of Protocol Montezuma-11 is to further investigate the cause of SCP-0000's creation, the origin of which is thusfar unknown.

Addendum 0000.4: SCP-0000-1 Instances


Alejandro Giuseppe Bianchi Tagliaferro II. Image dated to August 1909.

Each instance of SCP-0000-1 corresponds to a different individual who perished the night of the earthquake and fire. While many of the instances are relatively unknown invites to the gala event, several individuals were particularly noteworthy. Their identities, actions and behaviours are listed below. For ease of access in the timeline detailed in Addendum 0000.4, each individual has been given an identifier name.

  • ”The Senator” Dean Blacklock: State Senator from Nevada. Attended the gala to curry favor with the wealthy Tagliaferro in order to secure funds for his upcoming campaign for Governor. 54 years old.
  • ”The Senator’s Wife” Mrs. Wilma Blacklock: The wife of Senator Blacklock. Deeply unhappy with their marriage, only keeping up the charade for appearances. 46 years old.
  • ”The Capitalist” Mr. Vince Cannon: Owned a major publication in Las Vegas. Had previously run several hit pieces on Tagliaferro before accepting the invitation. 35 years old.
  • ”The Singer” Ms. Layla Williams: The talented young daughter of famous jazz singer Ezekial “Big Daddy” “Zeke” Williams. Singer at the hotel jazz club. 23 years old.
  • ”The Entrepreneur” Mr. Benjamin L. Murray: The younger brother of the wealthy owner of the TransAmerica Railroad. 48 years old.
  • ”The Heiress” Mrs. Elizabeth Yates-Moore: The wealthy daughter of Leeman Yates, founder of Yates Prospecting14 and wife of the late movie producer, Gerald Moore. Recently widowed. 58 years old.
  • ”The D.A.” Mr. Winston D. Snider: The Clark County district attorney and personal guest of Tagliaferro. 49 years old.
  • ”The D.A.’s Wife” Mrs. Irma Snider: Winston Snider’s wife. A deeply religious woman. 50 years old.
  • ”The Journalist” Mr. Clark Avery: A writer with the New York Times, received an invitation through his employer, who was an old friend of Tagliaferro. 27 years old.
  • ”The Big Winner” Mrs. Heather Jasper: A divorcee from Sacramento, notable as winning a jackpot in 99% of all scenarios on the opening night. 44 years old.
  • ”The Banker” Mr. Vernon Wells: A banker from Reno, Nevada. 37 years old.
  • ”The Groundskeeper” Walter Baker: The groundsman. 68 years old.
  • ”The Server” Olivia Phillips: A server at the restaurant. 26 years old.
  • ”The Chef” Geno Bellucci: A famous chef, works in the restaurant. 62 years old.

In total, 256 individual instances of SCP-0000-1 are present within SCP-0000. Three individuals were reported dead but are not present within the SCP-0000-1 instances, these being Alejandro Tagliaferro, his granddaughter, Emilia Benson, and an individual listed as “A. Shaw, M.D.”

Addendum 0000.5: Timeline of Major Events

Note: The following is an optimized timeline (the "Opportune Scenario") of major events throughout the weeklong cycle that SCP-0000 continuously loops through, presentetd in four hour blocks starting at 08:00 on Thursday morning. Many of these events are still under investigation. Notes detailing situational variations are included in the footnotes, or in italics near their relevant sections.





Addendum 0000.6: POI 0000.3


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